Who Am I?

Hi there, friends! 👋

1. What this blog is about

This little blog of mine serves as my personal collection of thoughts traversing the world of systems and software engineering with particular focus towards cloud native, cloud computing, DevOps, infrastructure, information security, cybersecurity, and open source software. Things most likely to be discussed are Kubernetes and the CNCF ecosystem, public cloud platforms - primarily Amazon Web Services, Ansible, Terraform, Golang, Python, Rust, Haskell, Linux (Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux mostly), QEMU/KVM, Filesystems and storage - mostly BTRFS, ZFS, Ceph , etc.

If I’m not talking about those things I’m likely to devolve into topics related to physics, mathematics, and history as I’m a huge nerd like that. I’m also likely to sneak in random posting on other topics such as:

  • Sports

    • Soccer: Mostly Premier League. We’re a Tottenham Hotspur household because we’ve clearly have some unresolved masochistic tendencies 😐 I guess because we are Seattle Sounders FC supporters in MLS it balances out, right?

    • Rugby Union - "A hooligans game played by gentleman" and also it’s an amazeballs sport, this is not debatable

    • Grappling/MMA - got no snark here

    • Baseball - I live in a house divided as I’m a Yankees while my wife pulls for the Red Socks to grief me to no ends 😐

    • Basketball - NBA mostly, also got no snark for this one

    • American Football - Mostly NFL because murder death ball with chemically enhanced super men who’ve clearly left normal humanity behind (X-Men basically), running into each other with the kinetic force of small car collisions over and over, wearing some next level gladiator armor to facilitate such impacts, and being lovingly referred to as "gridiron" absolutely satiates that base need to see reckless violence inflicted upon others because…​.well, why not?

    • Hockey - Mostly NHL because murder death ice sport where said chemically enhanced super humans traverse the ice rink at high speeds, engaging in small speed car impact collisions with long wooden objects that can bludgeon and cut flesh, slapping a thick rubber cylindrical shaped object with said wooden murder sticks with the kinetic potential to permanently cripple and/or kill our contestants…​Look, don’t let Canada’s reputation of being some of the absolutely nicest people on the planet lure you into a false sense of security. They’ll get you and they’ll make it look like an accident…​

  • Running - preferably outdoor running

  • Weightlifting - mostly the compound lifts and Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) bodybuilding training

  • Mental Health - oh, I’ve got LOTS to say about this especially since COVID has been a thing

  • Professional and Personal Development/Well Being - Again, lots to say here since COVID has become a thing

  • Music - a couple of playlists that are getting current plays on my devices:

  • Book Reviews - I’m an Audible addict

  • Comic Books - What I’m reading currently and/or what I stopped pulling

  • Biking/Hiking

  • Programming/coding projects

  • Misc - stuff I feel like talking about at the time aka Shitposting - it’s my strongest super power. All I’m saying on this is…​

Shitpost Master

There be lions, tigers, and bears (Oh my!) ahead. You’ve been warned.

Moving on then…​

Awkward Introduction

2. Bio

As of January 2021, I have been working at Riot Games as a Senior Security Engineer on the Information Security team, specifically Product Security (fancy way of saying I’m helping to secure all the cloud thingy things there is at Riot for the company and players across the globe).


My main focus is on Kubernetes security as well as AWS infrastructure security across all of Riot globally. There is some GCP things once in a blue moon here and there but mostly it’s AWS all day, every day. I work mostly with EKS and the AWS Security Services portfolio along with EC2, S3, VPC, and Lambda. I also make use of other vendor products and open source projects that I will talk about over the course of this blog.

Cybersecurity Bingo Fun 😑
All of this means that I’m really doing my best to win my cybersecurity bingo card on a regular basis
Cloud Bingo Fun 😑
I’m also playing this bingo card as well because multi-tasking, right
How it started vs How it went
While I’m sharing let me just say that the log4j vulnerability has been super fun to deal with over the 2021 Christmas holiday season 😭

Prior to joining Riot, I worked at Red Hat where I was providing professional subject matter expertise to clients and customers with regards to Kubernetes/OpenShift, Infrastructure, Site Reliability Engineering, DevSecOps, and Information Security.

I also do consulting/engineering support on the side with customers on their cloud and open source adventures.

Prior to going back into the private sector in 2017 I spent 15 years in Department of Defense ecosphere both as a contractor and a GS-1550 for the Department of the Navy with what was Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center Atlantic, now Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic [NWICA). Over that time period I’ve worked on projects and programs that have gone, scope wise, from the Tactical to Strategic, Unit level to Joint Staff/Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)/White House to NATO, two Combatant Commands (US European Command, US Special Operations Command Europe, and US Africa Command in Stuttgart, Germany), the typical three letters in the J2, and Supreme Allied Commander Europe at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe. As an aside, I would be totally down to move back to Germany here, I’m just saying…​

Overall, I’ve been doing systems and software engineering for going on close to twenty years now. I graduated from the College of Charleston in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. I also have a BS in Applied Mathematics and minors in Physics and History. I’m looking at finishing my Masters of Science in Computer Science, possibly with a focus on cybersecurity, as well as exploring Doctorate programs.

I currently reside in Charleston, SC but we are looking to relocate to the Los Angeles area in 2022 for Riot - provided we don’t end up with even more COVID shenanigans.

I married my wife, Jennifer, in 2004. I adopted our oldest son, Michael a few months after marrying my wife. He’s twenty-one and currently trying to figure out how this adulting thing works.

Adulting Sucks

I’ve seen things, son. So. Many. Things. 👀

I personally prefer to imagine Morgan Freeman doing the narrating myself but by all means, choose your own adventure here
He’s definitely seen many things
— Narrator's voice

We also have two small agents of chaos…​er, boys, Huey and Liam, who are on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well being immunocompromised.

COVID has been fun on that font for us 😑

It really hasn’t been fun for them
— Narrator's voice

They love to play Minecraft, Roblox, and Among Us. They each recently both got an Oculus and Nintedo Switch for Christmas because dad needs his sanity, I don’t want dead children, and "Being the lead-in story on the local 6 PM news" is not a life goal of mine (all in good fun for those that maybe need to have sarcasm explained - like me sometimes). Maybe one day, when they’ll listen to me, they’ll start trying to play League of Legends (shameless plug, I know) and other games. Most importantly, I hope they have an epiphany and come to realize that Quake, Street Fighter, Age of Empires, and Civilization are the greatest games ever created, just like their father has been telling them now for a while. A guy can dream can’t he 🙏

Speaking of autism, I believe that I’m possibly autistic myself based on behaviors I’ve recognized over the last several years and reflections on my life to date. I am hoping to find out in 2022 if that is the case or not. Non-speculation wise, I’m definitely diagnosed with both General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This one-two combination of "fun" can lead to one vicious negative feedback loop that leads to situational depression and insomnia episodes at times.

COVID has also made that super fun to deal with 😑

It really, really hasn’t made things fun at all
— Narrator's voice

3. Other things about me

  • Me and my family have been vaccinated and boostered for COVID. We regret nothing.

  • I identify as an atheist. Even though I do talk about good karma and all, I do not believe in a god of any kind. Given that my higher education is very strongly linked to mathematics and science, I cannot personally reconcile my education with what I understand then try to jazz hands away what I don’t know or understand with that of a "supreme being". I don’t try to convert people to my way of thinking and respect whatever a person choses to believe with regards to matters of faith. All I ask is please don’t try to "save me", it will not end well.

  • I identify as a humanist as well.

  • I identify as being a Progressive based on the current US political landscape and definitions

  • I strongly support equal opportunity and rights

  • I strongly support civil rights for everyone

  • I’m a LBGTQIA+ supporter

  • I identify as being polyamorous

  • I’m a massive supporter of Doctors Without Borders (some would say I’ve got a zealot passion for them) and donate monthly due to my unwavering belief and support of their mission. Starting in 2022 and going beyond, I’m personally asking/demanding of others that if they want to get me any kind of gift to make a donation to Doctors Without Borders vice another gift card I’ll never use or something else that will just take up more space in my home. Let me be clear: I’m an extremely fortunate person. I don’t need more things whereas others, who are much less fortunate that I am, need all they help they can get to have a fair chance in life - and medical and healthcare for innocent people in war torn and starving nations is as just and good of a cause to donate to as I can think of. Especially a charity with an A rating from Charity Watch.

  • I’m a huge retro gaming nerd. I love me some MAME so I can play arcade accurate Donkey Kong as well the all the emulator projects out there that have kept prior generations of console and computer gaming from completely disappearing.

  • I’m a massive pinball fan - with a special soft spot for the Star Trek TNG game

  • I serve as your friendly neighborhood D&D Chaotic Good Cleric/Inquisitor type. It sort of works like this:

Basically works like this
  • Finally, I don’t Windows willingly. I’ll run Windows in a VM if I have to but otherwise I prefer to run Linux as much as possible (or MacOS if I have to - just give me something UNIX-like, a terminal, and preferably a ZSH shell). I firmly believe in championing open source software and solutions as much as possible - including using Linux as a daily driver and gaming platform machine.

4. Get on with it!


Ok, right! So in closing:

  • Be good to your fellow human always

  • Never stop learning and challenging yourself

  • Please get vaccinated - for your well being but also for those that don’t have the robust immune systems (due to cancer, etc) to fight this off by themselves

5. Changelog

  • 25 December 2021

    • Update #1: Updated all the things

    • Update #2: Additional edits, more shtposts and memes, spelling and grammar check/updates because apparently I can’t English well nor can I claim it as a super power 😐

    • Update #3 - The Grammar Menace: More edits, Starting to blame my ADHD - Oh look, squirrel!…​Wait, what?!?! No, dammit, no! Don’t publish! STOP!!! STOP!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! GAAAAAAAAH!!!…​…​

    • Update #4 - The End (No, seriously, The End)

So. Many. Edits!!!
  • 31 December 2021

    • Migrated over to Asciidoc, yay!!! 🥳 🎉